About Pilisvörösvári Evangéliumi Misszió
We are God’s people, who became His children through the faith in our Saviour, Jesus Christ. We were created to magnify His glorious power and He is worthy indeed to be praised for His sacrifice, so we sing praises, pray for His help and also give thanks for all He has done as an answer, and we donate to support His work.
On our worship services we follow the teachings of the Holy Scripture pleading for others, learning to come to know Him deeper and deeper, sharing our testimonies, the miracle stories, encouraging each other to live an alive, personal relationship with the living God. So in our daily lives, we all can experience God’s power and work.
Guests are warmly welcomed in our fellowship!
Officially we belong to the Baptist Union of Hungary, that is a historical church. This is a very little known fact about it, otherwise we simply trust in God and we are searching for his will concerning our lives.
This background helps us to teach the Bible and faith in schools and to represent God’s people in official businesses.
Pilisvörösvári, because...
our Lord laid on our heart that „Many of my people are in this city” so we welcome those who are searching for Him by clean heart and need help or want to serve Him. Our aim is to provide a fellowship for those seeking God in Pilisvörösvár and the surrounding area. It is good to have a church near to our home where we can be a part of a community and we can invite those interested in around ourselves. Like in a family, we cannot choose our brothers or sisters, it is the same in God’s kingdom, practicing love with people beside us and bearing full responsibility for the local mission.
Evangéliumi, because..
the gospel is the good news about Jesus Christ, who came to the earth from his heavenly glory, took on sufferings and died on the cross thus everyone can access grace, new life, forgiveness for their sins. What a big gift, that God came close to us, and wants to be a part of our life. Jesus came to let us LIVE a redundantly aboundant LIFE, if we decide to make the best decision of our life to step in a loving relationship with Him starting our forever lasting life in the same time. Jesus’s blood was spilled for us and His Word (The Holy Bible) helps us to overcome the devil’s work in our life by the guidance of His Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.
Misszió, because...
we have a mission to evangelize spreading the good news about the forgiveness, growing in the knowledge of our Lord. Being grateful for all what He has done for us, we can serve Him helping and loving each other. We are convinced that it is God’s plan to see more and more people giving praise to Him, for his glory. We believe the importance of an everyday collaboration with God’s Spirit, the Holy Ghost being aware of His will, how He wants our lives to help and save others who are giving praise Him for all our acts.
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
John 13:34-35